Nama : Dwi Catur Agustina
Npm : 22212277
Kelas : 3EB20
Tulisan : Jelaskan perbedaan May sebagai possibility dan May untuk asking permission. Berilah contoh masing-masing (Penjelasan dalam bentuk bhs. Inggris min. 30 words)
l The verbs ‘May’ are used to say that something is possibility true :
That may be a better solution.
l In formal situations is more common than ‘May’ when we want to talk about what someone will do in the future:
The price of the property may go up in the future.
‘May’ is not usually used in formal situations :
The price of the property my go up in the future.
‘May’ is not usually used in questions asking about how true something could
possibly be:
How possible is it for you to come firts? Are you likely to win? And not “may you win?”
l ‘May’ - permission usually ‘may’ is used to talk about permission in formal situations:
Laptops and tablets may not be use during the test.
Only hotel quests may use the facilities.
‘May’ is used for formal requests:
May I ask a question?
May I come in?